May 2025 General Meeting
Save the Date for our May General Meeting!
Details, program information, and zoom link to come.

September 2025 General Meeting
Save the Date for our September General Meeting!
Details, program information, and zoom link to come.

December 2025 General Meeting
Save the Date for our December General Meeting!
Details, program information, and zoom link to come.

March 2025 General Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 4914 2152
Passcode: 460277
Our meeting’s creative program is bookplates. Thank you to Joni for sparking this topic by mentioning that the Newberry Library is offering a class on “The Art of Creating a Personal Bookplate”.
If you have any books with bookplates, please bring them for Show and Share. You might like to look through your practice sheets, or collection of calligraphed envelopes, to reflect on the favorite ways your name is written.
Please have your favorite writing tools, a pencil, a ruler and an eraser handy. If you like to use rubber stamps and ink pads, you can decorate your bookplate with them (optional). We will have pre-cut paper (graph paper, Arches Text Wove and Strathmore paper) available for those attending in person. (Thank you to Vicki Corwin for donating the paper and cutting it to size). Arches Text Wove will accept wet mediums such as watercolor if you’d like to decorate a bookplate that way (optional).
For those participating virtually, please cut paper in 4.25” by 3” rectangles. You will need two or three pieces. You can use any calligraphy paper you have on hand. The small size makes it possible to use scraps and offcuts from other projects.
Bookplates are a wonderful way to personalize books and make wonderful gifts.

December 2024 General Meeting
Join us for fun and fellowship! Feel free to bring a friend – but please RSVP to vickicorwin@aol.com. In case of inclement weather, please check your email. Zoom info will be emailed the day before the meeting. The in-person meeting will be held at First United Methodist Church: enter on east side of building for Children’s Center.
BRING A DISH TO PASS FOR THE POT LUCK – we need salads, veggies and desserts to go with the Chicken Strips provided by MAC. Please bring any projects or decorated envelopes to share. Bring your checkbook and renew your membership for 2025! (You’ll get a sweet treat!) Join us in person if you can!

September 2024 General Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 2325 7813
Passcode: 125515
6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Social Time & Book Sale
enter the drawing for a Door Prize
get name tag (on-site attendees)
please note the online connection opens at 7 p.m. (the Zoom link is at the end of the message)
the book sale features selections from MAC’s library, curated by Judy Rasys and Cristin Graham
7:00 - 7:15 p.m. Updates from the Board
7:15 - 9:00 p.m. Project with Shanny Apodaca on decorated envelopes
Please bring anything you like to use to decorate envelopes (e.g., pens, pencils, paints, inks, stamps, etc.).
If you're joining in person, MAC will provide envelopes. We’d like to use some of these envelopes for mailings to prospective and past members. Please bring the address of a prospective member so you can decorate an envelope for her. We will supply addresses of past members.
If you're joining online, please have your favorite decorating tools and envelopes at hand.
Other things to bring are:
work to show off on the sharing table (fun projects in process, beautiful envelopes you've received, and items of interest to the group)
a snack to share - please note that the church is a completely nut-free building
supplies to swap
cash in small bills for the book sale

2024 May General Meeting & Annual Election of Officers
We look forward to seeing you at our May General Meeting on Monday, May 13. We'll be in person at the First United Methodist Church in Birmingham and online hybrid via Zoom.
We have our annual election of officers for the Board of Directors that night. In order to vote, we need half of the members present (either in person or via Zoom). PLEASE - come to this one!
Below, you'll find more information about our May meeting program. Looking forward to seeing your faces!
Schedule for the Evening:
6:30 - 7:00 Social Time, Enter for a Door Prize, Get name tag. Please note the Zoom won't begin until 7 pm.
7:00 - 7:15 p.m. Updates from the Board
7:15 - 7:20 p.m. Annual Election of Officers
7:20 - 9:00 Workshop with Sue Vethacke and Vicki Corwin for hammered florals
Please bring the following supplies with you:
1. Micron pens - black and colors
2. ruler
3. small hammer
4. Xacto knife or something to scrape off the flowers
5. sharp #2 0encil
6. cutting mat or magazine to cut and pound on
7. washi tape
8. scissors
If you're joining in person, MAC will provide: blank envelopes and cards, fresh flowers, setting spray, plastic and paper towel
If you're joining via Zoom, please also gather these other few supplies. Pansies work well for this project and are readily available at your local garden center right now!
Other things to bring:
Work to show off on the sharing table. Anything cool you're working on, beautiful envelopes you've received, something of interest to the group.
A snack to share - please note that the church is a completely nut-free building. We'd ask that you respect this and bring a snack that's nut-free.
Supplies to swap — we have a generous head start from fellow member Barb Holmer!

Book Making Mini MAC
Wink Covintree and Vicki Corwin are looking forward to spending time with you on Saturday, March 16 making books.
The book form they will be sharing with you is often called a “book on tapes.” In this case, the tapes are ribbons. The finished books lie flat when opened. We think you will be amazed to find yourself going home with a cool book that was actually pretty easy to make.
Each participant will receive a kit containing:
2 - 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch cover sheets
16 - sheets of 8 1/2 inch x 11 inch text weight paper for the signatures
A paper guide for hole-punching and a pushpin
An exacto knife
A bone folder
A pencil
A handout with the directions
There will be ribbons, waxed thread, clips, needles, buttons, decorative elements and other things to choose from and share.
Coffee is provided. Snacks to share are always welcome.
Instructors: Wink Covintree and Vicki Corwin are both long-time MAC members who love letters and words and books to put them into.

2024 March General Meeting
Please Join us for the march general meeting: ILLUSTRATED VERSALS
Schedule for the Evening:
6:30 - 7:00 Social Time, Enter for a Door Prize, Get name tag. Please note the Zoom won't begin until 7 pm.
7:00 - 7:15 p.m. Updates from the Board
7:15 - 9:00 Workshop with Mary Pickert for illustrated versals
Please bring with you:
Basic supplies: pencil and paper, ruler, something to ink (pointed pen / micron), something to color (watercolor, colored pencils, brush markers etc).
Work to show off on the sharing table. Anything cool you're working on, beautiful envelopes you've received, something of interest to the group.
A snack to share - please note that the church is a completely nut-free building. We'd ask that you respect this and bring a snack that's nut-free.
Supplies to swap — we have a generous head start from fellow member Barb Holmer!

December General Meeting
We look forward to seeing you at our December General Meeting! We'll be in person at the First United Methodist Church in Birmingham and online hybrid via Zoom.
For those of you coming in person at the First United Methodist Church in Birmingham, please park and enter on the east side of the building. We will be in the children's center.
Schedule for the Evening:
6:30 - 7:00 Social Time, Holiday Potluck, Enter for a Door Prize
7:00 - 7:15 p.m. Updates from the Board
7:15 - 9:00 Workshop to make stained glass cards
We'll learn this amazing technique and use our skills to send cards to those in need of some extra holiday cheer this season. For those of you attending in person, we'll have a list so you can address an envelope to the recipient and send along your finished stained glass card.
Please bring with you:
Basic supplies: colored pencils, micron pens, tape, xacto knife, and a ruler (everything else will be supplied in the kit)
A dish to pass for the holiday potluck
The word "Noel" written / designed in your own style - we can't wait to see everyone's creations from the word challenge
MINI MAC Zentangle Dangles
Join us on December 3 for Zentangle Dangles at Life in a Craft Room. Ticket includes all needed supplies!
Skill Level: All levels.
Can you put a pen on paper and make a mark? Then you can Zentangle! Zentangle is a meditative art form that usually involves drawing structured patterns on small pieces of paper called tiles. It is a fun and relaxing way to be creative, and it is suitable for people of all ages and skill levels. This class will focus on Dangles, which are perfect for card making, decorations on a t-shirt or box, accenting a title or page in a journal, and many more uses!
This class will last for 3 hours and will cover the basics of the Zentangle Method, including:
• The Zentangle principles and philosophy
• The different types of Zentangle tangles
• How to draw a Zentangle tile
This class will focus on Dangles, which are perfect for card making, decorations on a t-shirt or box, accenting a title or page in a journal, and many more uses!
Materials Included: All materials are provided. However, you are encouraged to bring your own sketchbook or journal to document your Zentangle journey.
Skill Level: Beginner
Instructor: Kimberly Vallance
Kimberly Vallance is the owner of Life in the Craft Room, LLC. Kimberly started sewing when she was 4. Kimberly learned to knit, cross stitch, and crochet. She has learned weaving, scrapbooking, polymer clay, alcohol inks and markers, jewelry and bead crafts, and more!
$35/person for 3-hour class session with an additional 2-hour open class session.
Life in a Craft Room
33304 W 12 Mile Rd.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Phone # 248-266-1496

November MAC Board Meeting
MAC Board Meeting - Zoom link will be emailed to board members.

MINI MAC • Gel Printing
Skill Level: All levels.
Recording: We are not recording this workshop.
Do you enjoy collage? Die cutting? Any paper crafting? Painting or playing with paint or ink? Each print is different! Use your paper in card making, scrapbooking, collage, journaling, and journal making - anywhere paper can be used. Prints can also be framed or used as backgrounds for inspirational quotes or messages.
This class will focus on building and pulling prints with various papers, paints, ink, and markers. Students will leave with several backgrounds and layered prints along with the knowledge to use gel printing successfully outside of class.
Skill Level: Beginner
Materials included: Gel Plate, brayer, paper, and paint are included in fee. Participants will leave with finishe prints ready for paper crafting.
Instructor: Kimberly Vallance
Kimberly Vallance is the owner of Life in the Craft Room, LLC. Kimberly started sewing when she was 4. Kimberly learned to knit, cross stitch, and crochet. She has learned weaving, scrapbooking, polymer clay, alcohol inks and markers, jewelry and bead crafts, and more!
Life In The Craft Room provides a cheerful, creative, and fun classes that naturally reduce stress and boost self-esteem and confidence. Kimberly will provide tailored instruction and guidance in multiple techniques, and looks forward to sparking your creativity and keeping fun in the Gel Printing 101 Class.
$35/person for 3-hour class session with an additional 2-hour open class session

October MAC Board Meeting
MAC Board Meeting - Zoom link will be emailed to board members.

September General Meeting
We look forward to seeing you at our September General Meeting on Monday, September 11! We'll be in person at the First United Methodist Church in Birmingham and online hybrid via Zoom.
What to bring:
A nut-free snack to share
Recent work or envelopes you've received
Supplies (see below)
A notebook to take notes
Schedule for the Evening:
6:30 - 7:00 Social Time, Treats & Coffee, Enter for a Door Prize
* Bring a friend to this meeting, and get extra door prize entries!
7:00 - 7:15 p.m. Updates from the Board
7:15 - 9:00 Workshop with Leah Sachs
Whether you're wanting to add a little income on the side or take your passion full time, there is money to be made in calligraphy as a business. Leah will give a presentation and then we'll do a bit of time creating our own emblem / logo ideas.
Supply List:
Favorite paper
Micron pens
Your favorite pointed pen and straight holder
Preferred ink—walnut, sumi, etc.
Colored pencils, soft pastels, watercolor etc (if you want to add color)
Michigan Association of Calligraphers is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 6660 2023

August MAC Board Meeting
MAC Board Meeting - Zoom link will be emailed to board members.

Joint Board Meeting - MAC Board Meeting
MAC Board Meeting - Zoom link will be emailed to board members.
This meeting will be our annual Joint Board Meeting, for the past year and upcoming year's Boards to meet together.

Carolingian with Cora Pearl
Carolingian is a script that has its own lovely rhythm and lends itself to writing long passages of text.
Carolingian is a script that was developed in the Holy Roman Empire in the 9 th century.It is the lowercase style of writing that all other miniscule scripts evolved from.Carolingian has its own lovely rhythm and lends itself to writing long passages of text.We will be studying a modernized version of traditional Carolingian, influenced by thework of Sheila Waters. Some experience of writing with a broad edge nib isrecommended for participation in this workshop.
About the Instructor:
Cora Pearl started studying calligraphy at age 11 and has been doing calligraphy andhand lettering ever since. She has a BA in Art and Art History from Oberlin College.Cora works as a full-time calligrapher and teacher of lettering arts—she teaches fullcredit calligraphy and hand lettering courses at Portland Community College inPortland, Oregon, and teaches independent workshops and classes, including year-longcourses in Design for Lettering Art. She has taught workshops for the Sitka Center forArt & Ecology, the Oregon College of Art and Craft, and the Pacific Northwest Collegeof Art. She has taught at several calligraphy conferences including Letters of Joy, the AllOregon Calligraphy Conference, IAMPETH, Letterfest, TypeCon, the InternationalCalligraphy Conference, and Letters California Style.
Cora teaches both in person and online and has taught over 1600 hours on Zoom. Coraalso does calligraphy commissions in addition to her teaching. Cora is passionate aboutthe art of teaching and values a holistic approach to learning based on building trust andsafety in the classroom environment, whether in person or online.
Supply List:
Practice paper that is see through enough to show guidelines underneath(as close to 8 1⁄2” x 11” as possible), such as one of the following:• Gilbert bond paper• Bienfang Translucent Marker Paper• Borden & Riley Bond Paper• Canson Pro Layout Marker Paper
One of the following nibs (Make sure you get the left-handed version ofyour choice if you are left handed)• Mitchell 1 Roundhand nib OR• Brause 3mm nib OR• Speedball C2 nib
One of the following inks:
• Higgins Eternal Black Ink
• Calli Black Ink
• Winsor & Newton Black Calligraphy Ink
• Walnut Ink
Pen for taking notes (I like using a red Le Pen for this purpose)
2 Paper clips
Printed hard copy of Carolingian guidelines prepared by Cora
This is a virtual workshop starting Saturday April 29, 2023 at 10 am.
Students should have the following:
Ability to receive handouts via email and print them before the workshop.
Computer or other internet-connected device with a built-in camera.
Zoom conferencing software and familiarity with the platform.
In order to access the workshop on Zoom, you will first need to download the free Zoom app (called Zoom Client for Meetings) on your tablet or computer, if you don't already have it.
Click Zoom before the workshop to download the Zoom app.
If you are new to the platform, Zoom offers tutorials here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697. Please contact the Workshop Chair in advance if you are totally new to Zoom. Her contact info is in the confirmation email.
Recording: Will be available for one month after class ends.

April MAC Board Meeting
MAC Board Meeting - Zoom link will be emailed to board members.

Triangle (Wedge) Brush Tulips and Magnolias with Pat Blair
The Triangle (or Wedge) Brush has become Pat's favorite tool for graceful florals because they complement pointed pen work so well. In this class, we will learn how to use it to achieve graceful leaf shapes, and petal shapes. Through a series of exercises, the will explore the feel and technique used to create these shapes, and then put them together to achieve beautiful tulips and magnolias.
About the Instuctor:
Pat Blair has served 12 1/2 years as the Chief Calligrapher at the White House in Washington, D.C., directing the production of invitation and menu design for all official and social presidential events, calligraphy of place cards, envelopes and titles, certificate and resolution design as well as production of programs and tour books. She served two years as the President of the Washington Calligrapher’s Guild in Washington, DC., was the chairperson of the Graceful Envelope contest sponsored by the US Postal Service, and served as co-director for the International Lettering Conference, Letter Forum. Teaching is a favorite pastime, and has been on the faculty of over ten International Conferences, IAMPETH, and currently enjoying offering online classes via Zoom.
Her work has been published in the Calligrapher’s Engagement Calendar, Letter Arts Review, Top 100 New York Calligraphers, Grolier Club Calligraphy Revival, and Martha Stewart Weddings, among others. She taught at the Loudoun Academy of the Arts, and has been on the faculty of over ten International Calligraphy Conferences.
Her workshops emphasize the grace and elegance that letterforms can achieve by paying close attention to the beauty of the form, and she is currently offering both in-person and online workshops. She has been awarded the title Master Penman by the International Assoc of Master Penmen, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting for her work .
1 large sheet of cold press Arches Watercolor Paper, 90 lb., (cut into fourths) or pad of watercolor paper, such as Canson Mixed Media
Triangle (Wedge) brush, (Silver Ruby Satin, Royal Langnickel Wedge Brush or Princeton Petals Brush are all good brands), medium (size 8 or 10)
Tube watercolors - suggested colors for florals would be Quinn Rose, Alizarin Crimson, Rose Madder Genuine, Cad Red Deep, Sap Green, New Gamboge, Cad Yellow, Raw Umber, Payne’s Gray, Cerulean Blue, Winsor Blue, Prussian Blue (not all are necessary, I will be demonstrating using these combinations, but 2 pinks, 2 blues, and 2 yellows and a green would be a good start).
2 containers for water

Triangle (Wedge) Brush Tulips and Magnolias with Pat Blair
The Triangle (or Wedge) Brush has become Pat's favorite tool for graceful florals because they complement pointed pen work so well. In this class, we will learn how to use it to achieve graceful leaf shapes, and petal shapes. Through a series of exercises, the will explore the feel and technique used to create these shapes, and then put them together to achieve beautiful tulips and magnolias.
About the Instuctor:
Pat Blair has served 12 1/2 years as the Chief Calligrapher at the White House in Washington, D.C., directing the production of invitation and menu design for all official and social presidential events, calligraphy of place cards, envelopes and titles, certificate and resolution design as well as production of programs and tour books. She served two years as the President of the Washington Calligrapher’s Guild in Washington, DC., was the chairperson of the Graceful Envelope contest sponsored by the US Postal Service, and served as co-director for the International Lettering Conference, Letter Forum. Teaching is a favorite pastime, and has been on the faculty of over ten International Conferences, IAMPETH, and currently enjoying offering online classes via Zoom.
Her work has been published in the Calligrapher’s Engagement Calendar, Letter Arts Review, Top 100 New York Calligraphers, Grolier Club Calligraphy Revival, and Martha Stewart Weddings, among others. She taught at the Loudoun Academy of the Arts, and has been on the faculty of over ten International Calligraphy Conferences.
Her workshops emphasize the grace and elegance that letterforms can achieve by paying close attention to the beauty of the form, and she is currently offering both in-person and online workshops. She has been awarded the title Master Penman by the International Assoc of Master Penmen, Engrossers and Teachers of Handwriting for her work .
1 large sheet of cold press Arches Watercolor Paper, 90 lb., (cut into fourths) or pad of watercolor paper, such as Canson Mixed Media
Triangle (Wedge) brush, (Silver Ruby Satin, Royal Langnickel Wedge Brush or Princeton Petals Brush are all good brands), medium (size 8 or 10)
Tube watercolors - suggested colors for florals would be Quinn Rose, Alizarin Crimson, Rose Madder Genuine, Cad Red Deep, Sap Green, New Gamboge, Cad Yellow, Raw Umber, Payne’s Gray, Cerulean Blue, Winsor Blue, Prussian Blue (not all are necessary, I will be demonstrating using these combinations, but 2 pinks, 2 blues, and 2 yellows and a green would be a good start).
2 containers for water

March General Meeting • In Person
Please Join us at our old stomping grounds — the First United Methodist Church of Birmingham for the march general meeting!
We'll be providing dinner!
Come as early as 6 pm to eat and socialize. It's going to be a ton of fun, with an old school MAC vibe.
Following dinner and a brief business meeting, our program will be about automatic/ruling/folding/coit pens.
We also invite you to participate in a supply swap! Bring anything to clear out your studio or workspace, and “shop” to stock yours.